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İKSAD Center for Lifelong Education       Study in Turkey 

İKSAD Sürekli Eğitim Merkezi şubesi

the project of world World-Renowned Institution for innovative education, leading-edge research and unsurpassed services

Tourist Watching Hagia Sophia

Expertise in Student Mobility

At İKSADSEM we work to provide all the services that individual students or groups of international students need when they come to Turkey. We facilitate enrolment at universities, design of customized programmes, rental of teaching facilities, internships, accommodation or any other service that foreign students of universities may need in Turkey.

Over 12 years of experience and the quality of the human team allow us to find the right choice for every student, provider or university to offer the best experience, both, educational and personal.

İKSADSEM Study in Turkey was founded to offer services to students from all over the world who wish to study at Turkish universities. Also Language Courses, Summer Schools, Certificate Programs, Summer Sessions, Exam Preparation Courses etc. 

28-30 November 2022

"Action Research"

IKSAD SEM Center for Lifelong Learning continues its training projects by contributing to the training of Turkey-friendly educators abroad and especially in the Turkic Republics. Our project, which was hosted by Haliç University, was attended by 62 academicians from Kazakhstan's prestigious higher education institutions where they went through the training called "Action Research".

1-3 November 2022

"Creative and Inclusive Educational Design"

IKSAD SEM Center for Lifelong Learning continues its training projects by contributing to the training of Turkey-friendly educators abroad and especially in the Turkic Republics. Our project, which was hosted by Haliç University, was attended by 35 academicians from Kazakhstan's prestigious higher education institutions where they went through the training called "Creative and Inclusive Educational Design".

Center for Lifelong Education

was established with the authorization of the Institute of Economic Development and Social Research. Currently it offers programs as part of İKSAD lifelong training system, certificate courses and other special short-term courses. Our center bring together the right mix of academic and industry experts that would enable us to build a program that would truly respond to modern life challenges. The customised course even integrated our own case studies into the curriculum, making it really unique and relevant to everyone.

Lifelong education is defined as all forms of education, with the exception of school education, which constitute the system of lifelong education. The lifelong education programs that are offered in Turkey are categorized as para-school education, occupational and technical education, and general or liberal education.

Non-credit, fee-based personal development classes and workshops available

Lifelong Learning Mission:

The Center for Lifelong Education Program’s mission is to provide educational opportunities for students, academicians  and adults by offering personal enrichment classes in a positive, accepting, and intergenerational environment.

Trip/Travel Adventures

Day/Evening outings as well as extended travel opportunities for students to explore education through trips and travel.

  • Trip and Travel fees vary depending on location

  • Day and evening educational outings offered to increase student appreciation of different arts and cultures

  • Extended travel opportunities available annually to explore both Turkey and abroad


Language Camps in US for academia members 

Our Language Camp Program, which has been developed thanks to the innovative and successful initiatives of IKSAD regarding the world of science, has been specially designed for the academics of our country to improve their English grammar level and to convey their scientific studies to many parts of the world.

In these specially designed camps, academics and researchers will attend an accelerated English course at universities and community colleges in the USA and have the option to stay in Dormitories/Homes.

Click for detailed info


50PLUS free courses

Social Responcibility Project

İKSAD's social responcibility program finances our 50Plus program which provides free of charge, quality learning for those aged 50+ through classes designed to inspire as well as help you stay socially connected.

Sürekli Eğitim Merkezi

İktisadi Kalkınma ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Enstitüsü'nün izniyle kurulmuştur. Halihazırda İKSAD yaşam boyu eğitim sistemi kapsamında programlar, sertifika kursları ve diğer özel kısa süreli kurslar sunmaktadır. Merkezimiz, verimli ve hızlandırılmış  bir program oluşturmamızı sağlayacak doğru akademik ve endüstri uzmanlarını bir araya getirmektedir. Özelleştirilmiş kurs, kendi vaka çalışmalarımızı müfredata entegre ederek onu gerçekten benzersiz ve herkes için alakalı hale getirmiştir. 

Hayat boyu eğitim, hayat boyu eğitim sistemini oluşturan okul eğitimi dışında kalan tüm eğitim biçimleri olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Türkiye'de sunulan yaşam boyu eğitim programları para-okul eğitimi, mesleki ve teknik eğitim ve genel ya da serbest eğitim olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır.


Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Misyonu:

Hayat Boyu Eğitim Merkezi'nin misyonu, olumlu, kabul edilir ve nesiller arası bir ortamda kişisel gelişim dersleri sunarak öğrencilere, akademisyenlere ve yetişkinlere eğitim fırsatları sağlamaktır.

Gezi/Seyahat Yoluyla Öğrenme

Öğrencilerin eğitimi geziler ve seyahat yoluyla keşfetmeleri için Gündüz/Akşam gezileri ve genişletilmiş seyahat fırsatları.

  • Yolculuk ve Seyahat ücretleri konuma göre değişir

  • Öğrencilerin farklı sanat ve kültürlere olan beğenisini artırmak için düzenlenen gündüz ve akşam eğitim gezileri

  • Hem Türkiye'yi hem de yurt dışını keşfetmek için yıllık olarak sunulan genişletilmiş seyahat fırsatları

ABD'de Dil Kampları

Akademisyenlere Özel

İKSAD'ın bilim dünyasıyla ilgili yenilikçi ve başarılı girişimleri sayesinde geliştirilmiş olan Dil Kampı Programımız, ülkemizin akademisyenlerine İngilizce dilbilgisi seviyesini geliştirerek, bilimsel çalışmalarını dünyanın pek çok yerine ulaştırabilmeleri için özel tasarlanmıştır.  

Akademisyen ve araştırmacılara bu özel tasarlanan kamplar ABD'de üniversiteler ve community college'lerde hızlandırılmış İngilizce kursuna katılacak ve Yurtlarda/Evlerde kalma seçeneğine sahip olacaktır. 

ayrıntılı bilgi için tıklayınız

50PLUS ücretsiz kursları

Sosyal Sorumluluk Projemiz

50Plus programımız, ilham vermek ve sosyal olarak aktif kalmanıza yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmış sınıflar aracılığıyla 50 yaş üstü için ücretsiz ve kaliteli öğrenim sağlar.

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Regnum Sky Tower Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cd, 116, No:40, 06530 Çankaya, Ankara, Türkiye

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